Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Next Millionaires

The next millionaires will come from:

*A Home Based Business

*Something relating to the internet

*Some type of internet-based training business

If you've been looking and looking for that perfect home-based business that will make you rich overnight, you might as well give up right now because it won't happen that way. All of the ads promising wealth and riches within a week is a joke.

It's realistically going to take you committing yourself to AT LEAST a 2-3 year minimum to make a six figure income in your chosen business. You're probably saying, "2-3 YEARS"?

Yes, but that's not long at all. You are willing to work at your JOB for 20-30 years, just to retire with $1000 a month or less coming in for retirement, so if you think about it from that perspective, 2-3 years is nothing. You fight with traffic, work hard at your job, come home, cook dinner, watch a little TV, and then get ready for the next day. And the cycle continues. It's called "the rat race". And that's not what I would call a "quality lifestyle". (scroll down to see what a "Quality Lifestyle" entails)

I am totally for the Network Marketing industry and residual income. Doing something once and getting paid over and over for the rest of my life is something I could get use to. There are many companies with wonderful products and services that you can get involved in. It's just a matter of doing diligent research on the company, requesting samples and catalogs, and finding a SPONSOR (or LEADER) to sign up under. I stress a GOOD Sponsor or Leader because your success will depend on how good of a sponsor you have. You'll need that support from your team leader when entering into this type of business from home. It's very easy to want to give up when the going gets tough, and a good sponsor will be there to keep pushing you on.

My favorite companies are the ones that I'll be writing about on my Blog, so needless to say, I would recommend these companies to anyone who's seeking to start a homebased business involving very little upfront money. The products are WONDERFUL, and the compensation plans are even better with the companies I support. And yes, I have been an Independent Consultant with all of them, and I can truly say that I made some good money with them all. The last one that I joined before launching my own product line is Beauticontrol. Being an Independent Consultant with Beauticontrol will allow you the chance to earn your very own NEW Mustang through the company's incentive program. Get ready to say "Bye-Bye" to a car note. :-)

With that being said, I will be posting a new blog every Thursday, so please sign up so that you can receive the latest post.

As promised, here's a picture of a "Quality Lifestyle":

*G.O.O.D.- (able to) get out of debt

*Having choices (do I get up and cook breakfast or enjoy breakfast out at my favorite eatery?) With a job, you can't even think about that because you're too busy rushing around in the morning so you just get it on the run or pick up a pack of crackers from the breakroom vending machine.

*Having time with family

*Being able to "give" without being concerned if you'll get something back in return. (especially when it comes to money) We're suppose to be the lender, not the borrower.

*Homes with acreage (God says that we shall have goodly "HOUSES" (plural) filled with good things that we didn't provide) (Deuteronomy)

*Vacation Home

*Able to travel when your're ready (no more putting in for vacation time at work and waiting on it to be approved)

*Getting respect from your peers

*No more poverty

*Financially free

*Cars (that you can pay cash for--- no more filling out a loan application and waiting on an approval---yuck that sucks!

Did you read all of the above? Great. Well as you know a JOB doesn't equal any of these things. Working a 40 hr. work week only produces slave wages because you're trading time for pay.

Until next week, think about changing your mindest so that you can become one of the next millionaires!